Category: Hausverwaltung

Offers of possibl property managers

Offers of possibl property managers

Offer Altmann und Partner Immobilientreuhand GmbH

This offer has not yet been negotiated.

Offer mehr:wert Hausverwaltung GmbH

The offer was negotiated by Mr. Schnatz with Ms. Zöggele on May 2nd, 2023. Excerpt from the email of July 22nd to Mr. Alex, Mr. Schnatz and Mr. Bäuerle: [..]

We discussed this internally again today, Mr. Schnatz was already in our office on May 2nd, 2023 for the same system and we wanted to send him an offer back then, Mr. Schnatz negotiated the following price with us: €22 minus a 10% discount ( 22 € is the price of 2022 ).

The price is per billing unit, I made a land register query today and according to the land register it is 73 units, should this change – the price will be adjusted again, which is why the individual price was also listed in the offer. [..]

Circular rotaltion notice of termination property management

Circular rotaltion notice of termination property management

Current questions about the circular resolution:

  • Question: What is the exact procedure for the termination procedure?
    Answer: The current administration is to be terminated with the current circular resolution. In a second step, in the form of an extraordinary meeting, a new property manager will be determined from the offers received. Every co-owner is welcome to request an offer from a manager.
  • Question: What does my vote with yes mean?
    Answer: Excluding the termination of the current property management.
  • Question: Why isn’t the advisory board including Hans Langer on the mailing list?
    Answer: No e-mail was sent to a mailing list, but each owner, including the members of the advisoryboard and Mr. Langer, was written to individually.
  • Question: Has Altmann and Partner ever managed the house?
    Answer: Yes, under the original Pinzgauer Haus name.
  • Question: Are there other offers from other property management companies?
    Answer: As of July 22, 2023, we have two offers from property management companies who want to manage the Anderl. These are the offers from the company Altmann und Partner Immobilientreuhand GmbH (formerly Pinzgauer Haus) and the offer from the company mehr:wert Hausverwaltung GmbH After a first review, both offers are comparable. It is currently becoming apparent that ARIS is losing more and more properties from Pinzgau to other administrations, including the properties of Mr. Muzak, who sold his property management company in 2019, which later changed its name to Aris Immobilientreuhand Pinzgau GmbH.
  • Question: Why is there a circular resolution to terminate Aris first and then an owners’ meeting as a second step?
    Answer: The selection of a new property manager should be an open and fair process. We wanted to avoid putting a new property manager in front of the community of owners. Every owner should have the opportunity to get their own picture of the property management team at an owners’ meeting and with appropriate advance notice. However, in order not to be left without property management in the event of approval of the decision, we had obtained an offer from a property management company that we thought was conceivable. Another offer is now available.
    The aim of the chosen procedure is an ordinary termination of the property management. The alternative of an extraordinary termination involves enormous risk potential and has already led to financial damage to the community in the past.
  • Question: Can I still change my vote? And if so, until when?
    Answer: Yes, until the end of the circular resolution (9 August 2023) you can send in a new ballot with the current date. The ballot with the most recent date will be used.
  • Question: What if the circular resolution does not reach the necessary majority?
    Answer: In this case, the circular resolution has failed. There is no termination by the property management via the circular resolution. We will then initially have to live with the disadvantages of the Aris property management company. The point in time for the circular resolution was chosen in such a way that a conflict-free, ordinary termination can take place on December 31, 2023. The next ordinary termination is then only possible again on December 31, 2024. Of course, there is the possibility that individual owners can force the termination through a court order. We wanted to avoid this with the relocation decision, as this would inevitably lead to termination during the year, which can again be associated with disadvantages.
  • Question: Why did the property management Altmann & Partner (formerly Pinzgauer Haus) quit and no longer wanted to be our property manager?
    Answer: Altmann und Partner managed the house for several decades. Recently, Altmann and Partner have also been under more and more pressure from individuals, and problems similar to those experienced today arose. Some owners have applied to the court for the termination of the property management. Altmann und Partner then commendably announced the termination of the management contract themselves in order to avoid court proceedings. In the aftermath, the Anderl house almost experienced a tragedy in relation to the different administrations.
  • Question: I also have questions but would rather ask them anonymously than in the forum under my name. Is that possible?
    Answer: No problem, the above questions were asked by the owner. We publish these and the answers without naming the questioner
  • Question: What’s next?
    Answer: After the end of the voting period, we will provide the result immediately, both by email and by posting it, including the voting list.
Information about COVID-19 from the properties management

Information about COVID-19 from the properties management

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

All of Europe is currently suffering from an intense second wave of corona infections. Unfortunately, the number of infections has also increased enormously in Austria. In order to counteract this development and not to leave our health system - especially  intensive care - the federal government decided on a second lockdown. The provisions in the COVID169 Emergency Measures Ordinance are regulated.

The following protective measures currently apply:
In principle, a distance of at least one meter must be kept from people who do not live in the same household. When entering public places in closed rooms, this distance and, in addition, a close-fitting mechanical protective device covering the mouth and nose area must be worn.

We would like to inform you that the indoor pool, sauna and bowling alley will be closed for the time being.
There is an information page of the WKO, which is updated daily:
It includes all important topics and questions on the subject of accommodation and leisure, as well as measures in the event of infection.

We ask all owners to inform themselves about the current Corona regulations in Austria in order to avoid penalties that may arise due to disregard of the legal regulations.
For further questions we are happy to help you.