Rules of the house
Apartement house „Anderl“ in Hintermoos
- The apartment house Anderl belongs to a community of apartment owners it is our place to rest and relax. The community facilities, such as swimming pool, sauna, sports and hobby rooms belong to the condominium community too. Therefore, all co-owners and guests of the house are asked to treat all facilities as carefully and gently as their personal property. All the costs of community property are payed by the commnity, that means by the owners themself. Everyone should therefore pay attention to the communities property, as well as economy and for example switch on power and heating only as far as necessary. Please asked anyone to akt in this way too. Anyone who intentionally or negligently damages the community property must compensate for the damage. This concerns owners as well as all residents and guests of the house.
The parking of vehicles of all kinds outside designated and marked areas is prohibited. The parking areas on the property belonging to the house are reserved for the owners and guests of the house. Unlawfully parked vehicles will be removed at the expense of the respective vehicle owner.
Sports equipment (bicycles, skis, toboggans, slides, etc.) must be brought into the house via the designated cellar entrance and stored in the ski cellar. For longer absence in the cellar belonging to each apartment. Storing in the covered forecourt of the entrance hall is prohibitated. Outside the ski cellar the house must not be entered with ski boots. The common areas, such as ski cellar, table tennis room, multipurpose room, swimming pool, laundry and bowling alley, are only to be used for the intended purpose. Escape routes must not be blocked. This also applies to the corridors. In particular, in the corridors no bags and shoes should be stored. Dogs must be kept on a leash within and outside the build. If dogs contaminate the paths and parking lots, the dog owner is obliged to remove this contamination immediately.
During the general rest periods from 10 pm to 8 am and generally on Sundays and public holidays any disturbing noise is to be omitted. Pleas also ask children to respect these times. The buildings entrences are locked during general rest periods. The entrance to the ski cellar will always be locked by the caretaker. Since the locking system is a central key system, in the event of loss or need, the co-owners can re-order keys only with a certificate of entitlement, available from the caretakter and property management. In Hintermoos, waste separation applies – always adhere to them. Waste belongs in the designated waste bins. Bulky waste, such as cardboard boxes are to be shredded. In the case of particularly heavy use of garbage bins (public holidays or lack of drainage), the caretaker provides additional garbage bags. Dust and waste, as well as cigarettes etc. must not be thrown out of windows or terraces. For glass and metal waste, a small recycling center is available in front of the “Bachschmied”. This kind of waste (due to the waste separation) hast not to be placed in Anderls waste bins. In case of prolonged absence, the circuit breaker in the apartement must be switched off. The main water tap has to be closed. The apartment owner is obliged to inform his guests about the house rouls. He is liable for damages to the communities property caused by his guests. The causer or, in the case of minors, the guardians are responsible for immediately reporting the damage to the caretaker or property manager. Instructions of the caretake has to be followd. In case of non-compliance, the caretaker is entitled to expel guests of the house.
The swimming pool is open for use between 8 am to 9 pm. Outside these times, the use is prohibited. Everyone has to take a shower before swimming. The consumption of hot water is limited to the absolute minimum. The rules (pictograms) placed in front of the entrance to the swimming pool and the swimming pool wall must be observed. In case of contravention, the caretaker is entitled to refer guests of the indoor swimming pool area. The changing rooms may not be entered with street shoes, pleas turn them off before entereing and leave them outside of the chaning room. If you are the last person to leave the changing room, please switch off the light. After the bathing time mentioned, the light in the swimming pool will be switched off automatically. The light in the locker room stays on additional 30 minutes and then also turns off automatically. The sauna is available for daily use during the opening hours announced in the sauna room. The rules (pictograms) placed in front of the entrance to the sauna and on the sauna cabin wall must be observed. In case of non-compliance, the caretaker is entitled to refer guests of the sauna area.
Friends and acquaintances who are given an apartment for use, please register on arrival at the caretakers office. The mentioned group of people is subject to the local registration requirement. Not to be reported are spouses, direct relatives (parents, children …) as well as siblings and their spouses. The foreign tax payment has to be made before the departure at the caretakers office next to the entrance.
The use of the bowling alley is possible until 10 pm every day. A fee of € 1.00 per 6 minutes is charged by the slot machine installed in the bowling alley. The room has to be handed over tidy. The key has to be returned to the caretaker according to the prior agreement. The bowling alley is to be entered only with suitable footwear. Bottles have to be removed by the user.
The two existing table tennis tables are to be treated with care. In particular, the table tennis nets treaded well. Racquets and balls are required. The kicker can be used free of charge. Damages has to be reported to the caretaker immediately. The caretaker can be reached every day, except Sundays and on public holidays, from 8 am to 10 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm in the room next to the entrance.